What a moment it was
A moment of revelation
When I got to know
With my each and every breath
That I'm getting closer
And closer to my death.
With the passing of moment
With the ticking of the time
I got to know more closely
More vividly, my Life.
Strange, yet so real
Confusing, yet exciting
And what a thriller is its climax
The silent, uninvited Death.
The point of realization
The moment of truth
When all that was thought real
Starts mocking at you
The grief and the lust
The struts and the frets
The love that went unseen
In the ego blindness
All my truth
Was nothing but a mirage.
Now I realize
How far was the haven.
Why this despair, why the agony
Why this quagmire that’s so funny
When the moments are passing
And the time is ticking
Life should be a celebration
A celebration of being alive.
- Vineeth Mohandas