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Tuesday, April 24, 2012

Kaathirippu (The Long Wait)

(If you encounter any problems in reading the following text, kindly download and install 'ML-TTKarthika' font in your system)


I®p\oÀ XpÅnbmbv Hgpæì
F³ \b\§fn \nìw
s\©n I\embn I¯p¶ HÀ½IÄ
Hê am{X ]dbmsX AIepì 
PohnXXn³ ]cnlmksa¶s]mÂ
HÀaabn Hcn¡epw acn¡m¯ apJ§Ä
]ns¶bpw a\ÊnÂ
Hê Icn´ncn \mfw s]mÂ
]pIbpì æät_m[Xn³ sN¦\Â..
lm.. ibn¡®w C\nbpw
F{XImew Rm³ Cu ici¿bnÂ
asämê Z£n®mb\¯n³ ]pecn¡mbn...

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