(c) Contents in this blog are the properties of Mr.Vineeth Mohandas. All the information have been reproduced here for the benefit of site visitors, and is provided at no charge.

Saturday, June 16, 2012

Marikkunnu Manasakshi (Dying Consciousness)

(If you encounter any problems in reading the following text, kindly download and install 'ML-TTKarthika' font in your system)

acnçì.. a\km£n

lm Iãw, CXp F´p arKobw
kvs\lw Fs´¶dnbm¯,
GtXm Im«mf·mÀ sNbvX ImS¯w.
C{X Iãsam
Hê Aå {]mWnbmw aëjysâ 
{]mW³ FSpçhm³?
A³]s¯mì IjvW§fmbn
Hê Cfw Imän sImgnbp¶
Zfw Cdpçhm³?
sh«nbXp A³]sXmì XhW,
Hê aëjy PS¯nt·Â AÃ,
Cs¸mÄ Xé¯p achn¨p \nevçw
aqIkm£nbmw F³ a\km£nçtaÂ.
Pohn¡Ww \mw F´në C§s\
sImÃphmëw ]ns¶ sImÃs¸Smëamtbm?
Xfw sI«n \nevçw B cà¯nep­W­v­v­vS­v
GtXm Hê A½X³ ape]mensâ KÔw.
Du«nbXp F´në B A½
X³ tNmc B æªns\
Hê \mÄ Hê cm{XnbnÂ
GtXm \KchoYnX³ sNfnæW­v­v­v­­­
Ne\a« PS¯n\cnInÂ
Xfw sI«n InSçhmt\m?
hknçì ssZhhpw sNæ¯mëw,
thsd§paà F³ DÅn Xs¶.
\·IÄ acn¨ \nW¯n æXnÀ¶
Cu cm{XnbnÂ,
ssZhw Icbpì, sN毳 Nncnçì.
F¦nepw Im¯ncn¸q Rm³,
\·X³ shÅntaL§Ä¡mbn,
{]Imiw hnXdpsamê ]pecn¡mbn.
Imétam B DjÊp
Rm³ F³ I®pIfmÂ,
AtXm FcntªmSp§oSptam Rmëw
asämê Acnhmfn³ ap\bmÂ.

hn\oXv taml³Zmkv

Tuesday, April 24, 2012

Kaathirippu (The Long Wait)

(If you encounter any problems in reading the following text, kindly download and install 'ML-TTKarthika' font in your system)


I®p\oÀ XpÅnbmbv Hgpæì
F³ \b\§fn \nìw
s\©n I\embn I¯p¶ HÀ½IÄ
Hê am{X ]dbmsX AIepì 
PohnXXn³ ]cnlmksa¶s]mÂ
HÀaabn Hcn¡epw acn¡m¯ apJ§Ä
]ns¶bpw a\ÊnÂ
Hê Icn´ncn \mfw s]mÂ
]pIbpì æät_m[Xn³ sN¦\Â..
lm.. ibn¡®w C\nbpw
F{XImew Rm³ Cu ici¿bnÂ
asämê Z£n®mb\¯n³ ]pecn¡mbn...

þ hn\oXv taml³Zmkv

Wednesday, January 25, 2012

The Eternal Kiss

The hour is so freezing cold
Yet my heart is on fire
With no one close by
To feel its heat
With no one near by
To see it burn.
I wish one day
Out from the Saffron sky
Will come someone
To my deserted life
Who will Kiss me
As long as my loneliness
As intense as my agony
And take me to the world
Of Eternal Life.

- Vineeth Mohandas