(c) Contents in this blog are the properties of Mr.Vineeth Mohandas. All the information have been reproduced here for the benefit of site visitors, and is provided at no charge.

Wednesday, August 19, 2015

Ente Pranayangal (My Love Affairs)

(If you encounter any problems in reading the following text, kindly download and install 'ML-TTKarthika' font in your system)

Fsâ {]Wb§Ä,
F³ A´cmßmhn³ Cê«dIfn FhnsStbm
Hê t\À¯ ioebm Rm³
Hfn¸n¨psh¨ clky NpêfpIÄ.
Fsâ {]Wbw, \n\ç am{Xw F³ {]ntb
Fì sNmÃn Rm³ {]Wbn¨
F³ {]Wbn\nIfpsS apJ§Ä,
HmÀçì Cì Rm³ Hê an¶Â ]nWÀt]mse.

Rm³ Hê ]pêjs\¶mZyadnª
\mfpIfnset¶m AdnbmsX kv]Àin¨
arZp hncepIfn³ DSabmw
F³ _meyImekJnsbtbm,
AsXm, agbm Cud\Wnª
hkv{X ioeIfvçÅn Rm³ ണ്ട
\\hmÀ¶ \m`nçSabmw
F³ Kpê\mYsbtbm;

kncIfn \nWwXnfíp¶ {]mb¯nÂ
Xs¶ F\n¡mbn kaÀ¸n¨
aqVbmw B I\yIsbtbm,
AsXm, Hê hymgh«Imew Fs¶
{`m´ambn tamln¸n¨ns«mSphnÂ
Hê thZ\am{Xw _m¡nbm¡n
asämêht\msSm¸w DÃkn¡m³ t]mb

{]Wbn¨Xmtc CXn Rm³, AdnbnÃ;
AsXm {]Wbw Fs´¶dnbm¯
shdpw auVyamw N]eXIÄ am{Xtam
Fsâ A\izcamw {]WbKmYIÄ, AdnbnÃ.
amdnadnª apJ§tfm ]ns¶bpw
amdmsX ]n´pSê¶ HmÀ½Itfm
GXmé F³ {]Wb¯n³
_m¡n]{X§Ä, AdnbnÃ.

Ime§Ä amdn EXp t`Z§Ä h¶n«pw,
Iman\nbmbn Hê ]pWyhXnsb ]cnWbn¨n«pw,
{]Wb¯nsâ \nÀhN\sas´¶dnbmsX
Aebpì Rm³ വീണ്ടും 
{]Wbnçhmëw {]Wbn¡s¸Smëambn tamln¨p
s]êagbnteI\mb _mesâ
hndíp¶ ta\nbpw ]nSíp¶ s\©pambn
asämê {]Wb¯n³ kXymt\zjW ]co£Whpambn.

---hn\oXv taml³Zmkv